Start your career here with us. Property Agent Recruitment kicks start your career path with your 1st business adventure.
Start your career
be a Realtor
Johor Bahru is a metropolis aside with Singapore. This has made JB an ideal city for high volume of property transactions all year round. Real estate market in Johor Bahru is vibrant thereby the raise of JB Realtors.

Amigos by The Roof
Good start wins half the battle
Learning the art of property sale is the beginning of starting your own business career.
Meet your team
This is Ace Tan and I am housed under The Roof Realty as a Team Leader and performs Property Agent Recruitment.
It is of great honour to be a part this magnificent family. We strive together, share together and celebrate together so that no one will be left behind.
This is the kind of environment we aspired to work in. Well being on our own to strive in the market, warmness is always awaiting us back.
We have gatherings, weekly meetings and sharing sessions to connect our listings and works related issues. Teamworks is our DNA in this family.
Connect with us for a walk around to better understand how we aspire to perform and outshine in Johor Bahru Properties.
Action speaks louder than words.
Not now, Then when…
property agent recruitment, take the leap with us
Everything you need
in you

What it takes to be a Realtor
Submit your profile:
What our teammates are saying
Start designing a better tomorrow
Learn how to be decisive and join our family with your own business.
still hesitant…
Time needed: 3 minutes
How to become a Property Agent in Malaysia?
- Connect with us
Furnish us your experience and working profiles so that we can understand you better.
- Evaluation of your potential
We will analysis your profile and derive what’s best fitted for you in this challenging business career.
- Walk through our working environment and processes
This is a crucial orientation prior to entry into the world of being a property agent. We will showcase our working environment, people we work together and the flow of works.
- Property Agent Probation Period
There would’t be a time frame as this is not a routine employment. A probation period is essentially set to tune yourself in.
- Course in for Real Estate Negotiator(REN)
While you are tuning into this environment, it will be due time for taking up the REN course in order to make yourself a full fledged property agent.
Becoming a
Malaysia Property Agent
Common Questions
Start your business with us today
Our businesses propel by this family