Home of The AmiGos – AMG
The Strength & Drive For A Better Tomorrow
We stand together for a betterment. For a profession scalable never before, Johor Real Estate.
Centering the Best for our Clients

As a big family of The Roof Realty Malaysia(Johor Bahru), Home of The Amigos is determined to bring the right attitude, ethics & values into your real estate profession. We aim for cohesiveness in our cohort. We Learn, Share & Outshine Together.
We nurture the elite in you. Sky is our limit.

Work Eat • Play
赚吃 • 玩
AmiGos works extremely smart to eat well & play hard. We work for our love ones & rewarding to be paid with Travels in The Roof family. No one will be left behind in our family. Striving together connects us all with the right path towards success.
AmiGos – AMG
All About
Connecting People
A Family that Values
Rewards are to value, it is also to recognise rich efforts delivered by our team. Strive strong & Play hard. We never forget to relax ourselves when we have getaways together. This is to bind our team, to get our team stronger in term of bondings and connectivities.

“Testify our Strength with Unifications. Minds alike makes us stay together Strong as Steel.” 【同心协力,其利断金】Lets embrace the future of AmiGos as 1, AMG1
Training is the Key to Succeeding
Learning is priceless. We train for everyone of us to gain insights & the trade that we specialised. The atmosphere of positive driving determines our strength in perseverance. Let us train together to achieve a greater height in our career.
eat well
We gather for meals after meetings and trips to enjoy delicacies well deserved for our play@hard.
Our experiences & knowledge are shared in our weekly meetings. We engaged experts to guide us thru our journey. Learning never ends.
play hard
Trips Rewarding
Be rewarded with holiday trips. We always pamper ourselves hard after case of deals.
Open up to your Views
AmiGos stands pragmatic to every of us in the same flight. Sharing and openness are imperial to the holdings of our positive minds. Keep us all dated to the latest happenings in our cohort. Keep connected.